Kudos to The Meadowlands, but other tracks need to join them

RE: The Meadowlands will halt the drag, at least for a while

I look forward to watching races from The Meadowlands in May without the annoying drag time. I hope they will get Mohawk to join in with them in the plan. Then, I hope that the bettors will spend their money at the tracks that don’t insult the intelligence of their fans, and reduce their wagers at the tracks that continue to insult their fans with long drag times. Then, maybe, those tracks will join in so we can end this frustrating gimmick.

H. Earl Paulson / New Hyde Park, NY

Racing needs a betting lotto

I have commented on this before, butBob Duff’s article, maybe there should be a change in betting, I think deserves further discussion. Making bets on things like leader at the quarter pole, I don’t think the increase of betting would make much difference besides the adds would be small.

People bet on the lotto for a big payoff. Create a big payoffs type bet. It’s done in hockey and football and lottos so it may be worth a shot.

This is just an example. Obviously, anything can be made up.

Create a six-number parlay (six or more is okay). the horse that finishes seventh in race 1, the horse that finishes ninth in race 2. The horse that finishes fourth in race 3, etc. with the last race you must pick the trifecta. Create an odds for this bet (ex. 10,000-1). You can do a carry forward with increasing odds.

This is, obviously, not a bet of talent which is similar to a lotto.

The higher the odds the more betting occurs and from people who don’t follow racing. Advertise a betting lotto.

Richard Young / Boca Raton, FL