Elin Gustafsson enjoys being a part of Team Takter

by Victoria Howard

When Elin Gustafsson was growing up in Sweden, little did she know that one day after moving to the United States, two of her dreams would come true: to care for a horse who won the Hambletonian, and to meet the man she would marry.

Born in Gothenburg, Sweden, Gustafsson was always surrounded by horses. Her father’s family was involved in harness racing, mostly on the hobby/amateur level, and her mother grew up around show and jumping horses.

After moving to America, Gustafsson got a job working for top standardbred trainers Marcus Melander, Linda Toscano, and presently she works for Nancy Takter.

Everyone in the sport of harness racing knows the name Takter. After moving to America from his hometown Norrkoping, Sweden, it didn’t take long before Jimmy Takter — Nancy’s father — made a name, and what a name he made.

Jimmy got a job working at the prestigious Continental Farms Stable and by the early 1990s, Jimmy was considered one of the leading trainers on the Grand Circuit.

After training many world champions — Witsend’s Apollo, Armbro Prowess, Moni Maker, Malabar Man, and many more — Jimmy decided it was time to step aside and hand the reins over to Nancy.

Some people thought it may be a mistake, but the father/daughter proved them wrong.

Like father/like daughter as they say, for it wasn’t long before Nancy would become known as one of harness racing’s most decorated trainers. She’s produced a list of her own champions, such as Tall Dark Stranger, Kissin In The Sand, Always A Miki, Manchego, Sorella and Captain Crunch.

Nancy became the third female trainer to win the Hambletonian with her horse Tactical Approach. The other two female trainers are Paula Wellwood in 2016 with Marion Marauder, and Linda Toscano in 2012 with Market Square. In 2020 Nancy was chosen as Dan Patch Trainer of the Year.

So, what’s it like working for Nancy?

“It’s a real privilege,” Gustafsson said. “Right from the start Nancy had two very difficult issues to overcome: One, she was a woman in a man’s orientated sport and two, she was the daughter of one of harness racing’s all-time top trainers.

“But no one can take anything away from Nancy for she has proven that she can and did do it! Being the daughter of one of the sport’s top trainers is a hard act to follow. Although she had big shoes to fill, I’d say Nancy is doing a damn good job. And it’s not easy being in the business if you’re a woman. I’m thankful that I have had the opportunity to work for two of the best, Nancy and Linda Toscano. I’ve learned so much from these amazing talented women and I’ll keep trying to learn more.”

Gustafsson’s official job at the Takter Stable is as a trainer and she is “hands on” for all the horses.

“I also do a lot of therapeutic work on the horses and try to help in any way to make a horse feel better,” she said.

This year the top gun at the Takter barn is Karl. He is an amazing animal who is considered the best trotter today or certainly in the top two. Gustafsson said Karl is wonderful in many ways.

“He prefers women, but particularly loves Nancy,” Gustafsson said. “He’s always looking around for Nancy or his groom, Miguel [Guerra]. Karl is very smart, and I give a lot of credit to Michelle Crawford and her team for raising such an exquisite animal.

“And being a stallion, yes, he has a girlfriend, Caviart Belle. Karl’s stall is right across from Belle’s in the New Jersey barn and he spends a lot of his time just staring at Belle. He doesn’t act like other young stallions with raging hormones, Karl is quiet and just enjoys admiring her.”

With the Takter Stable winning the Hambletonian the past two years with Tactical Approach and Karl, respectively, Gustafsson has been enjoying the ride.

“It was totally euphoric,” she said. “I think it was easier last year when the pressure wasn’t as high. This year it was nail-biting because everyone of course was trying to beat Karl.

“Half-way down the lane it got a little iffy but being the champion that he is, Karl found another gear and took off.

“Nancy and I were standing by the television at The Meadowlands and our blacksmith Conny said he could hear us all the way to the drivers’ lounge. That race was double exciting for it was also driver Yannick Gingras’ fist Hambletonian win. After 11 unsuccessful attempts, Yannick finally had a Hambletonian win under his belt.”

According to Gustafsson, Nancy’s farm in New Jersey had over 70 horses during the winter, but now is making room for the babies who will be coming now, in the middle of October. And off all the horses she’s cared for, Gustafsson has a favorite.

“Besides my own horse Expectations, who is living in Sweden with my family, I would have to say Tactical Landing, for he was just something very special,” she said.

The year 2024 has been very special for Gustafsson, not only as a big part of the Nancy Takter Team, but also because she recently got married.

“Yes, my husband and I got married the end of June,” Gustafsson said. “It was a really small ceremony, but honestly, it was damn near perfect. The only thing was that our families could not make it, but we promised to celebrate with a big party later on.”

Gustafsson said she knows it’s hard to be married and to work in a business where you spend a lot of time at the barn, but she and her husband make it work.

“My husband Josert is also a dedicated horseman,” she said. “He started his career with Jimmy [Takter] and when Nancy took over, Josert began working for her. Since we both are employed at the same place we get to see one another a lot.

“My husband is a very hard worker; an amazing person and we get along so well. He is also a driver who drives mostly for Nancy, but when he’s down in Kentucky he gets put up a lot on overnight horses. I think one of the reasons we get along so great is our love for horses and animals. He can also play the guitar and is a real good singer.”