Warkentin on McKee
Ken Warkentin, Sam McKee’s race-calling partner at the Meadowlands, reflects on Sam’s life and career.
by Ken Warkentin
This is undoubtedly one of the saddest days in the sport in a long time. Many, like myself, are is shock, devastated, in a state of disbelief and just plain sad.
Sam was the modern day Mr. Harness Racing. It always seemed like he knew everybody and everything about the sport.
And Sam could do it all.
He was talented, passionate, positive and an inspiration to all and everybody knew it.
He was so much fun to work with, he just made people and everything around him better.
He was a true Hall of Famer.
A great person, honest and pure.
An amazing family man.
A true friend to many and a real gentleman.
When I first heard of his passing I said it couldn’t be possible. And the first thing I thought was he wasn’t going anywhere. He’s always going to be here with us in so many ways.
We will never forget Sam McKee.
My deep condolences to his family.