Setting The Odds with Jody Jamieson
This week, the three-time Canadian driver of the year predicts the future of the sport.
Handicap the chances the following will occur:
Mohawk — which reopens this week — will have year-round harness racing in the next five years
— JJ: 15/1 “I don’t think it’s good to be out of Toronto market with live racing (Editor’s note: For those who don’t know, Mohawk is located west of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).”
A full casino will come to Mohawk in the next five years
— JJ: 10/1 “It may come, but will it stay?”
After the current WEG contract with the Central Ontario Standardbred Association (COSA) expires, the Ontario Harness Horse Association (OHHA) will sign the next contract with WEG
— JJ: 100/1 “COSA isn’t going anywhere.”
You will become president of OHHA in the next five years
— JJ: 5/1 “I believe in helping horsepeople and if that is how I can help, then I’d be happy to serve.”
In five years, there will be one group representing all the harness horsepeople in Ontario
— JJ: 50/1 “If there’s a will, there’s a way. We are talking together about the best interest of horsepeople and marketing so I hope we can at least work together to benefit all horsepeople. That said, COSA is the rep at WEG tracks and OHHA reps the Alliance tracks.”
Horsepeople will be able to see the commissions on wagering from all Ontario Standardbred Alliance racetracks in 2016
— JJ: 100/1… “At this rate. There is no information sharing at this moment.”
One or more harness tracks in Ontario will close in the next five years
— JJ: 100/1… “under my guidance. I don’t think it would help the industry, but I’m not sure how much say I’ll have in it.”
The total number of race dates in Ontario will continue to decline in the next three years
— JJ: 100/1… “if I can help it. But if the horse shortage isn’t fixed it’s much lower, 3/1.”
Standardbred Canada will get out of the horse sale business in the next five years
— JJ: 1/1… “if it makes fiscal sense. There has to be a net gain financially for us as an association.”
You will become president of Standardbred Canada in the next five years
— JJ: 100/1
In the next three years, the OLG will develop a new game with some of the proceeds going directly to the horse racing industry
— JJ: 100/1… “if you believe that ‘they’ don’t have any more money for this industry. But, I hope the OLG will fully embrace our game and make something like that happen.”
Wagering in Canada will continue to increase over the next three years
— JJ: 1/1 “Fingers crossed.”
Purses on the WEG circuit will increase over the next three years
— JJ: 100/1
An entertainment district will open on the Woodbine property in the next three years
— JJ: 50/1
The number of foals produced in Ontario will increase in each of the next three years
— JJ: 10/1
You will win the 2016 National Driving Championship
— JJ: 1/1… “If I get the best horses!”
You will win the 2017 World Driving Championship (being held in Canada)
— JJ: 2/1
In 2016, you will win your fourth O’Brien Award as Canada’s Driver of the Year
— JJ: 5/1
Blair Burgess — with whom you teamed up on NA Cup and Jug winner Tell All — will be inducted into the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame this year
— JJ: 1/1 Setting The Odds Best Bet
You will win the Gold Cup and Saucer in the next three years
— JJ: “I’m not putting odds on that in case I jinx myself.”
You will win the Pepsi North America Cup in the next three years
— JJ: 5/1
You will win the Hambletonian in the next five years
— JJ: 25/1 “Tough one.”
You will top 10,000 career wins before you retire (currently at 7,277)
— JJ: 5/1 “It’s definitely my goal.”
You will surpass $200 million before you retire (currently at $114 million)
— JJ: 100/1
One day you will leave Ontario to drive in the United States
— JJ: 8/1
You will join your father as an inductee in the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame one day
— JJ: 50/1 “That’s not up to me, but it would be a great honor.”