What Is Harness Racing Update?

Welcome to Harness Racing Update, a harness racing publication that provides thorough and provocative coverage of the sport. HRU is dedicated to following the sport like no one else is, with comprehensive North American coverage delivered to you within hours of the horses crossing the finish line.

Our goal is to be the standardbred industry’s leading information source for owners, breeders, drivers, trainers, racing executives and fans. HRU is published in PDF format and distributed by Internet link to industry professionals around the world, allowing them to keep up with everything that is going on in harness racing.

HRU covers the races, the sales and the industry and delivers commentary from some of the sport’s most astute voices, such as Ron Gurfein, Murray Brown, Dean Hoffman, Dave Briggs, Brett Sturman, Bill Finley and many others. We stay on top of what is happening overseas. We bring you results and entries in an easy-to-follow format where all the information you need will be at your fingertips. We have expert handicapping analyses of the sport’s major races. For the sport’s biggest races, our online publication includes video replays.

Best of all, you get your news when you want it and not when the postman delivers it. Each edition arrives before your day begins. Don’t start your day without it.

And, of course, Harness Racing Update is free.


Editor: Dave Briggs
Associate Editor: Debbie Little
Editorial Designer: Sieu Truong
Post Production: Dave Landry
Technology Services: Brian Fuller
Graphic Design, Ads & Placement: Lisa Bihuniak
Advertising Sales: Wilma Van Vaerenbergh | contact for ad sales/questions
Results & Stats Editors:
Lisa Duong & Lucy Duong
Founder: Bill Finley


Claus Andersen, Garnet Barnsdale, Tim Bojarksi, Murray Brown, Jerry Connors, Frank Cotolo, Paul Delean, Bill Finley, Joe FitzGerald, Dean Gillette, Adam Hamilton, Thomas Hedlund, Bill Heller, Bob Heyden, Dean Hoffman, Victoria Howard, Melissa Keith, Dave Landry, Lauren Lee, Dave Little, Debbie Little, Chris Lomon, David Mattia, Trey Nosrac, Tom Pedulla, Andrea Pietrzak, James Platz, Bob Roberts, Sandra Snyder, Brett
Sturman, Jay Wolf & more (view all contributors here).


P.O. Box 230
Millwood, NY, 10546
Phone: 226-374-9999


Editor/News Stories: [email protected]
Advertising: [email protected]
Customer Service: [email protected]
Accounting & Billing: [email protected]


Harness Racing Update will be published on Fridays and Sundays from fall through late spring.

HRU will add a third weekly edition (typically on Wednesdays) from early summer through fall and will have daily coverage of both the Lexington Selected Yearling Sale and the Standardbred Horse Sales Company’s auction.

HRU will also add editions throughout the year as major news breaks.


If you want to advertise with us, please get in touch with Wilma for more information.