All I have to do is dream – Part 2
by Murray Brown
In my last column, I put together a mock 20 horse stable composed of my top five yearlings in each of the four categories sold in the first night in Lexington. My pocketbook was limitless, although I placed an artificial ceiling of $300,000 on each yearling which was sold. Nevertheless, if they exceeded that number, which some did, I was going to buy them anyway. I ended up spending $5,435,000, $1,560,000 over my artificial budget.
For Harrisburg I’ve decided to take a different route. Those who know me know that my favorite maternal family by far, is that of Miss Duvall tracing from two main branches through Nora Abbe and Romola. There are 13 representatives of the family scheduled to sell on opening day at Harrisburg. My game plan is to buy all of them regardless of how much they might bring. In my mind, it borders on impossible that a champion or more won’t emerge from this group. In recent years, the family has been responsible for Sylvia Hanover, Twin B Joe Fresh, Geocentric, Tall Dark Stranger and Captaintreacherous. If by some chance the group doesn’t produce that champion I will once again be proven wrong. In that respect I am not a maiden.
There are 92 pacing yearlings scheduled to sell on Opening Day at Harrisburg. Thirteen of them trace maternally to Miss Duvall. Here they are in my order of preference and the artificial price I might be willing to pay to secure them. They are identified with a “N” or an “R” respectively tracing to the branch of the family to either Nora Abbe or Romola.
1. “N” Hip #155 Twin B Eucre — bay colt, Bettor’s Delight—Fresh Breeze—Captaintreacherous: $200,000.
Half-brother to Twin B Joe Fresh ($1,281,678). First colt and third foal from a Captaintreacherous half-sister to two stakes winners.
2. “N” Hip #70 Steal Away Hanover — bay colt, Always B Miki—Shyaway—Artiscape: $300,000.
Brother to Sylvia Hanover ($1,137,274). Half-brother to Western Fame ($1,931,775)
3. “R” Hip #35 Geos Lil Miki — bay filly, Always B Miki—Geometry—Somebeachsomewhere: $200,000.
Half-sister to the undefeated Geocentric ($536,751). From a daughter of world champion See You At Peelers ($1,573,260).
4. “R” Hip #58 Rider Hanover — bay colt, Captaintreacherous—Rockaroundthetrack—Rocknroll Hanover: $150,000.
Half-brother to Ruthless Hanover ($536,751).
5. “R” Hip #89 Touchback — brown colt, Bettor’s Delight—Tall Dark Beauty—American Ideal: $200,000.
First foal from a half-sister to Tall Dark Stranger ($2,020,195) and Beautyonthebeach ($540,428).
6. “N” Hip #107 Astaire Hanover — bay colt, Tall Dark Stranger—American Jewel—American Ideal: $140,000.
Half-brother to stakes winners U S Captain ($390,577) and Odds On Platinum ($222,934). From a world champion filly who earned $1,840,965, but who has yet to reproduce herself. I think that it is inevitable that she will. Will this colt be the one?
7. “N” Hip #145 Easy Out Hanover — bay filly, Papi Rob Hanover—Edra Hanover—The Panderosa: $100,000.
Half-sister to world champion and multiple stakes winner Elver Hanover ($847,056) and stakes winners Eddard Hanover ($792,407) and Emblaze Hanover ($209,320).
8. “R” Hip #32 Make Mine Iced — bay filly, Captaintreacherous—Make Mine Mocha—Bettor’s Delight: $100,000.
Second foal from a multiple stakes winner who earned $216,293 and is a half-sister to stakes winners Something For Doc ($674,666), Flavor Of The Day ($194,949) and five stakes producing broodmares.
9. “N” Hip #25 Life Coach Hanover — bay filly, Tall Dark Stranger—Lifetime Star—Western Ideal: $125,000.
Half-sister to stakes winners Bettor’s Wish ($2,601,233) and Starship ($336,934).
10. “R” Hip #20 Kobe Hanover — bay colt, Captaintreacherous—K K’s Justine—American Ideal: $200,000.
Brother to multiple stakes winner Ken Hanover ($51,011).
11. “R” Hip #108 Guns N Gangs — bay colt, Captaintreacherous—American Z Tam—American Ideal: $100,000.
First foal from a sister to stakes winner Winds Of Change ($611,399) and from the immediate maternal family of the great Captaintreacherous. A perfect example of the Tesio doctrine “breed to the sire, the best blood of his dam.”
12. “R” Hip #47 A Day On The Beach — bay filly, Always B Miki—Perfectbeachday—Somebeachsomewhere: $75,000.
First foal from a SBSW half-sister to stakes winners Big McDeal ($818,544) and Galimony ($485,913) and to the dams of two stakes producing broodmares.
13. “R” Hip #54 Pa Duke — brown colt, Papi Rob Hanover—Ravishnmasterpiece—Art Major: $70,000.
Half-brother to stakes winners Wager On Me ($345,169), Always Watching ($217,278), Letmecallyouback ($101,561) and Keep Watching.
1. The 13 yearlings are by five different sires Always B Miki (3), Bettor’s Delight (2), Captaintreacherous (4), Papi Rob Hanover (2) and Tall Dark Stranger (2)
2. Five yearlings come from the Nora Abbe branch of the family with eight descending from Romola.
3. The dams of the yearlings are by nine different sires with only American Ideal and Somebeachsomewhere having more than one. American Ideal has four and SBSW has two. The other sires with one each are Artiscape, Art Major, Bettor’s Delight, Captaintreacherous, Rocknroll Hanover, The Panderosa and Western Ideal.
4. My total expenditure to secure all 13 yearlings would be $1,815,000. For the sake of expediency, let’s call it $2 million. It remains to be seen how well these 13 yearlings will race, but I can think of easier and less advantageous ways to spend $2 million.