HRU Feedback (2018-08-05)
Response to Cotolo’s article on PA Commission meeting
In reference to Frank Cotolo’s article in the Friday edition of HRU (full story here)
I too was at that same Pa State Horse Racing Commission meeting.
Unfortunately what Frank saw and heard was, if not significantly different, from what I saw and heard, was most definitely far less and in a far different tone than in what Frank reported.
(1) Mr Pincus did not identify himself, nor did the chair ask that he do so. I am sure others in attendance had no idea who was speaking and what he was referencing.
(2) About all that we are in agreement with, regarding what we heard is that Mr Pincus said “I am not your enemy” or words to that effect. To a large degree, everything else was somewhat conciliatory.
(3) Just about everything else that Frank quotes Pincus as saying, especially the combative issues were apparently said in private and not before the entire group assembled.
If they were spoken of in public, then my hearing and recognitive skills are far more depleted than even I thought they were.
— The Curmudgeon / Hanover, PA
Greater transparency needed?
I have a hard time believing that the race reports and their availability to the public do enough to protect the public. Why is racing on a whole so behind every other sport in reporting on all aspects of their sport. If in any other sport a participant is suspended for drugs, alcohol, violence or any other crime his or her name is made public yet in racing they disappear for a short period of time with no mention of the violation and return to participate. The new government of Ontario should clean house with AGCO because they do not regulate, they delegate where they hope the problems get lost and buried. This is unacceptable as a taxpayer footing the bill.
— Bob Adams / London, ON
Yonkers needs to broadcast non-betting races, too
There were two non-betting NYSS Excelsior events scheduled at Yonkers on 7/30/18 at 5:30. They were not on the live feed. Why not? Don’t they realize there are owners and some fans who really want to see these races?
— Jerry White / Boynton Beach, FL
Salute to Lillie Brown
Thank you Dave Briggs for the wonderful article you wrote on mine and just about everbody else’s great friend Lillie Brown (full story here).
With the exception of my right hand woman, Vivian Jewitt, there is not a single woman in all of harness racing horsedom who has made my life easier for the better part of half a century.
To know Lillie Brown is to love Lillie. No truer words were ever spoken. As was said about the late Mary Tyler Moore, Lillie Brown “can light a room up with her smile”.
I sincerely hope that Lillie’s well deserved retirement does not carry over to her in Harrisburg. If it did, there would be absolutely no reason to visit the Preferred Equine consignment. :-). Three generations of my family have benefitted from your love and kindness.
Lillie, I wish you nothing but health, happiness and prosperity in the many years that you have left.
— Murray Brown / Hanover, PA