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- Gural clarifies stance on sports betting revenue
- European Report: Heavy Sound wins Prins Daniels, but says no to Elitloppet
- Marion Marauder makes pari-mutuel debut this afternoon in Philly
- Hollywood’s Hits: Celebrating Bret Hanover 56 years after he was foaled
- Flamboro Downs set for tonight’s $182,500 Confederation Cup
- Alternative Actions: Part 2 – Racing commissioners focus on betting product and ignore the plight of the patron
- Breaking Stride: Death Star emerges — Devo Rides Part 11
- Percy Blue Chip and Illusioneesta capture SBOA Stakes
- Moosonee highlights PASS Super Bowl action at The Meadows
- Wes Delight wins “feature” PASS division over heavyweights at Pocono