Hollywood’s Hits: Hannelore Hanover and Moni Maker’s mirror image
by Bob Heyden
The top line is Hannelore Hanover’s record through 58 career starts, the bottom line is Moni Maker’s record thru the same amount of tries in her career.
Speaking of close numbers, consider 28 and 27. The former is the number of lifetime drives behind Hannelore Hanover for Yannick Gingras. The latter is the number of times she has been driven by Ricky Macomber.
If Manchego is crowned
If Manchego is named Horse Of The Year…
It would be the first 2-year-old trotting filly so honored. It would be the first filly HOY for Jimmy Takter — Moni Maker was a mare at ages five and six when she won it back to back in 1998-1999. It would be the first time ever that a trotting Horse of the Year (Muscle Hill) sired a Horse of the Year.
Does the older horse have the edge?
Does the older horse have the edge in HOY balloting?
In 1975, 7-year-old Savoir won over 3-year-old Silk Stockings 52-49 in the closest tally ever.
In 1986, 4-year-old Forrest Skipper won over 2-year-old Jate Lobell despite both being undefeated that season.
In 2016, it was the first time in over a half century that no 2 or 3-year-old landed in the top trio in the HOY balloting — Always B Miki, Wiggle It Jiggleit and Hannelore Hanover.
Making them count
Marion Marauder, the richest Triple Crown winner of all time, sure made his starts count in 2017. He was the leading money winner among male trotters over 3, with $769,182 earned on just 10 starts (10 3-3-2).
More Barley
What Breeders Crown winner was out-earned by a thoroughbred of the same name?
In 2006, two-year-old pacing colt Charley Barley didn’t approach $1 million lifetime, but on the thoroughbred side, their Charley Barley did, with earnings of $922,943 on the strength of a 24 10-7-3 record.
Goldsmith Maid’s unique legacy
Apparently, they didn’t know how to honor Goldsmith Maid, the greatest earner of the 19th century ($264,000 earned counting exhibitions, $204,000 without). She raced from 1865-1877. But when it came to honoring her with a race, well, check it out.
In 1976, the Goldsmith Maid was an open trot at the Meadowlands that featured only one female — Keystone Pioneer — but did have the defending HOY in their as her entrymate, Savoir.
In 1977, the Meadowlands had the Goldsmith Maid again, but this time for 3-year-old trotting fillies.
In 1990, the race resurfaced at Garden State Park, with Kramer Nobles taking the first edition. The race has been a constant every year (except 2012) since, despite being raced at five different tracks, most recently at the Meadowlands.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of New Jersey Governor Christie Whitman appointing a 19-person committee to oversee New Jersey racing. The “New Jersey Racing Industry Study Commission ” it was called. Know who was appointed on that committee? Donald Trump.