Prewitt should also end the drag at Hoosier Park
Your article on what The Meadowlands plans to do about the drag was interesting. There was reference to the likelihood of no other tracks joining them in this effort. I would be surprised, and disappointed, if Harrah’s Hoosier Park didn’t join them. With Gabe Prewitt now involved with this racetrack, he’d be the first person to contact. My two cents.
Gordon Brookhart / Westerville, OH
Lotto bets are “pie in the sky gimmicks”
I simply must comment on this silly [lotto bet] idea. We old harness racing lovers spend a lot of time trying to teach people how to handicap harness racing. People who win betting on racing keep coming back and increase the handle. Pie in the sky gimmicks are a way of making dreamers lose interest after a short period of time. Mr. Young admitted his idea takes no handicapping skill whatsoever. It would be a $1 bet at most. It would not add to handle and be dropped after a short trial.
I enjoy betting on horses nearly every day. But I find the pundits constant beating the drum for exotic bets to be laughable. Do you really think someone who loses $48 playing a Pick 5 is coming back to bet any time soon? On another topic, I bet from home, do I care about the post time drag? Not in the least. As a matter of fact, I often watch a television show at the same time as watching the races on computer. I often bet with 25 seconds before the start of a race. Nothing is as irritating as when the pundits admit that they don’t really play their own money on their Pick 5 picks. If they don’t bet them, they should tell the public that is the case.
Al Gatto / Roselle Park, NJ