In honor of International Women’s Day, these ladies deserve the spotlight
by Bob Heyden
It took a while and much didn’t even happen until the 21st century, but ladies are making a full/more visible impact in the sport in every aspect. In honor of The Meadowlands celebration of International Women’s Day, every single one of these young ladies should be remembered/honored.
1. It’s 40 years since Linda McNatt (now MacDonald) romped in the 1985 New Jersey Sire Stakes with Go Nancy Isle in the sophomore pacing filly division in a stake’s record 1:55.1.
2. It’s now 39 years since Jacqueline Ingrassia scored in 1:54.4 with Followme Holly in July 1986, the unprecedented first sub 1:55 mile in the industry.
3. It’s 36 years since the 1989 $907,000 Wilson won by Sam Francisco Ben. Ingrassia was fourth in there with Southern Raider, still the richest race/cash in Meadowlands’ history for a female driver.
4. You have to go back 33 years to 1992 when Andrea Chadwick and Lord Willing made the Meadowlands Pace final (no check). Another female first.
5. Anna-lena Ljunggren and Baltic Baby became a part of Hambletonian history in the 1993 elims as, you guessed it, the first female to start in the Classic. The horse was sixth in the elim, not making the final.
6. It’s the 30th anniversary of Caroline Lyon taking the Little Brown Jug with Nicks Fantasy in the 50th edition. Casie Coleman added three of her own in 2012, 2013 and 2016 and Linda Toscano doubled up two years ago in both the Jug and Jugette.
7. It’s the 25th anniversary of Jacqueline Ingrassia taking the 2000 Yonkers Trot with Goalfish; still the only Triple Crown race won by a female driver.
8. JoAnn Looney and Ingrassia are the first two ladies to drive to The Meadowlands winner’s circle in the 1970s, with Beau Yankee and Bird Of Paradise.
9. It was the 18th year of the Breeders Crown in 2002 when Toscano said “enough” and won with Molly Can Do It, thus opening the floodgates for future Breeders Crowns for the female set.
10. It was 2017 when Margareta Wallenius-Kleberg kicked down the door of the Hall of Fame and paved the way for Toscano just two years later.
1. It’s been 44 years since Fan Hanover won the Jug and was named Horse of the Year (HOY).
2. It’s been 65 years since Countess Adios beat the boys in both the Cane and Messenger, not duplicated since.
3. Moni Maker is still the last repeat HOY (1998-99).
4. Females going 1-2 in the HOY in 2024 after going 1-2-3-4 in 2017 (Hannelore Hanover, Ariana G, Manchego, and Youaremycandygirl).
5. Manchego and Atlanta staging the sports best rivalry in years from 2017-22.
The Meadowlands has been a starting point for so many through the years, and at some point this weekend all should be mentioned: Bonnie Butler, Linda Gentile, Gail Coppersmith, Diane/Flo Browne, Maria Reid, Helen Looney, Liz Waples, Nancy Takter, Paula Wellwood, Karin Burgess, Stacy Chiodo, Susan Looney, Debbie Cassaday, Norma Campbell, Teresa Powers, Diane Stevenson, Gen Levo, Brooke Nickells, Lauren Tritton, Michelle Crawford, Marsha Cohen, Alma Iafelice, Gertrude Schaeffer, Mildred Ventriglio, Lora Sodano, Nancy Whitemarsh, Linda Wallis, Anna Christine Johnson, Tracy Brainard, Kathleen Yantorn, Luann Marsh, Shelly Grieco, Diane Grieco, Evelyn Glasser, Arlene Traub, Joan Goldsmith, Debbie Evilsizor, Linda Dancer, Susan Laden, and many, many more.
As the countdown continues to the 100th Hambletonian, here are some more fun facts you may not know.
Henry Thomas won the 1944 Hambletonian with Yankee Maid N, his third. The ad in The Horse Review the next month read, “He ranks as one of America’s foremost light harness horsemen and drivers.” Light? Really? Can I see the portly list please?
Name the father-and-son who appeared in their final Hambletonian final together. Carl and Rod Allen with CR Commando last and CR Renegade next to last in 1999. Unusual right? How about both horses being Breeders Crown winners!
Marit Haugen was the 1986 caretaker for winner Nuclear Kosmos. The prior winner, Prakas (1985), was also hers early in his freshman year of 1984, even driving him to victory in just his second lifetime start.
Did Glen Garnsey really win three of the first four Hambletonian Oaks and hit the board in the Hambletonian in the other year? Yes! In 1971 he had Gay Blossom (Oaks), in the 1972 Hambletonian he was third with Flush, then he had Colonial Charm and Berna Hanover in the 1973 and 1974 Oaks.
Five geldings have won the Hambletonian and none were favored. To be fair, there was no wagering on Greyhound in 1935. Flirth won it 38 years later in 1973 but was a rank outsider with just $17,835 in nine starts going in. Shiaway St Pat was the second choice in 1981 in the race-off and was not favored all day. Vivid Photo paid $16.40 in 2005 and the most recent Cool Papa Bell paid $106 in 2022.
There have been 44 at The Meadowlands, 26 at Goshen, two at Syracuse and one at Empire City.
Did Hambletonian, the horse, spend his entire life in New York? Yes, from 1849-76.