HRU Feedback (2019-11-09)
Hardest decision was walking away
This morning, as has been the case for years, a bunch of us ex-horsemen got together and talked horses. Now don’t get me wrong by the use of the word “ex” because we still are horsemen but we got out of the game when we could no longer win or at least break even. The one common thought amongst all of us is how could we let this happen, how good horsemen were put to the curb deprived of their livelihood and select persons thrived. We all started when purses were $1,000 or $1,500 and we still went to the sales thinking about that one big horse and we worked our farms to make ends meet and many of us missed our children’s accomplishments of hockey, baseball or dance. As our children grew up it was common practice that they would put their dreams on hold to work the family farms and to groom and look after the horses and we were united to make sure the family came first. The hardest decision us horsemen ever had to make was to walk away from our living because those who were entrusted with keeping the game clean succumbed to the wants and wishes of the select few that held all the cards in their favour.
— Bob Adams / London, ON