Ron Burke in the HRU Twos in Training spotlight LIVE Thursday at 7 pm EDT
The sport’s leading trainer will talk about his stellar career, how his operation is primed for 2020, his recent trip to New Zealand and how he manages a huge stable.
by Dave Briggs
HRU’s Virtual Twos in Training videos continue Thursday, April 23 featuring the sport’s leading trainer, Ron Burke in the fourth installment of live interviews, this one to be conducted by Heather Vitale.
Viewers interested in seeing the interview live — which will air live beginning at 7 p.m. EDT — can do so on the HRU Facebook page here:
and on the HRU YouTube page.
Burke will talk about his stellar career in which he’s won more than 10,000 races and earned over $235 million. He will also discuss how he’s coping with COVID-19, how his stable is primed for 2020 and what he learned from his winter trip to New Zealand.
He will also field a few questions from viewers that comment live via Facebook and also a few that are emailed to HRU in advance of the show.
To submit a question in advance, email them before 3 p.m. Thursday (April 23) to: [email protected]. Please make the subject line: Questions for Ron Burke and please include your full name.
After the show finishes, the complete interview will also be available for viewing anytime on both the HRU Facebook and YouTube channels.
Thank you to Winbak Farm and Jimmy Freight for sponsoring the Burke video.
HRU intends to feature a new live interview with a trainer every Thursday, Saturday and Monday evening.
To make sure you don’t miss a video, subscribe to HRU — for free — today.
Finally, we need your help to reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers.
If you haven’t subscribed – for free – to HRU’s YouTube channel, we would appreciate it very much if you would.
We currently sit at just over 800 subscribers. The way YouTube works is once you reach 1,000 subscribers it allows HRU to generate some income from YouTube. We want to use that money to make more — and better — videos for you.
If you like our previous Twos in Training videos, reports from the two major yearling sales or the new Virtual Twos in Training videos featuring Marcus Melander, Carter Pinske and Ben Wallace — with many more trainers to come in the weeks ahead — we would appreciate you taking a minute to subscribe to our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/HarnessRacingUpdate
Thank you very much from all of us at HRU.